Friday, February 4, 2011

Episode 45 - College Radio

More than a few college radio moments here, as I try to put in to words my feelings about the Boyish Charms and The Blankket (the people, not their bands). Imagine how could this show could be if I actually prepared! I also ran into some serious trouble when I realized I have no idea how to read and announce any of the Greek tracks that will be pervasive over the next few episodes.

A Complete Abridged Record Collection, Episode 45

Destroyer - This Night
The Zombies - Odyssey and Oracle
Boyish Charms - Viva
Washington Sisters - Understated
The Blankket - Pegatively Nositive
Leonard Cohen - Songs From A Room
Lord Antics and the Merry Boys - Too Hot to Hold
The Raincoats - Oddyshape
Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
Theo Vaness - Back to Music
greek artist - greek album
Maqlh paeoylh - nikoy Iyaakh
The Left Banke - S/T

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